Camellia Waldorf School prepares students for high school and beyond. Although we do not conduct standardized testing until middle school, our 8th graders routinely perform well above grade level. Our graduates are well prepared to move on to all the high schools in our area and later are accepted to colleges and universities in California and around the country.
TerraNova Test Results
All 8th grade Camellia Waldorf School students take the TerraNova Test, a national achievement test commonly given to students in grades K-12, which measures achievement in reading, vocabulary, language arts, mathematics, science, social studies, and other areas. The TerraNova Test is published by CTB/McGraw-Hill, which has set the bar for the highest standards in research, item reliability and validity, as well as technical quality. Below are our 8th grade students’ class average test results for the past three years:
Reading (91%) – College freshman level
Language Arts (90%) – College freshman level
Mathematics (80%) – Eleventh grade level
Science (81%) – Twelfth grade level
Social Studies (80%) – Eleventh grade level
High School
Camellia Waldorf School’s 8th graders are well prepared for any high school, and our students are all routinely accepted into all the main high schools in the Sacramento area, including: C.K. McClatchy High School’s HISP and VAPA programs, Sacramento Waldorf School, Christian Brothers, St. Francis, Jesuit, George Washington Carver School of Arts & Science, West Campus, Natomas Charter School, and Kennedy High School’s PACE program.
College and University
After high school, our students have been accepted into many excellent colleges and universities, including the following:
UCs: UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC Santa Barbara, UC San Diego, UC Santa Cruz, and UC Davis
Private colleges and universities and out-of-state schools: Whitman College, University of San Francisco, Reed College, Wellesley College, Barnard, University of Portland, University of Puget Sound, Seattle University, Occidental College, Lewis and Clark, Whittier College, Notre Dame de Namur University, Southern Oregon University, Hofstra University, St. John’s University, Pace University, St. Mary’s College, Chapman University, University of La Verne, and Penn State University
CSUs: San Diego State, San Francisco State, Sacramento State, Monterey Bay State, Sonoma State, Cal Poly Pomona, and Channel Islands State University