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Education Through Exploration, Imagination and Nature

Camellia Waldorf School kindergarten provides a quality foundation for your child’s school experience, helping them develop a love of learning, real interest and an exceptional preparation for life.


Our private kindergarten program is rooted in Waldorf pedagogy which can be described as a play-based curriculum that meets the child at their appropriate developmental stage.

Our outdoor program fosters creativity, cooperation and imagination.

Take A Virtual Tour of Our Campus

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Let Us Answer Your Questions

  • Children learn by doing, with hands-on experiential, kinesthetic learning outside through play and structured activities.

  • Creative and collaborative outdoor play builds social skills.

  • Fairy tales, puppet plays, and stories with rich language provide a high-quality foundation for literacy, developing vocabulary as well as visualization and memory skills.

  • Lots of time in nature – through exploring and playing on our spacious, safe campus, as well as weekly hikes – develops gross motor skills and an appreciation for nature.

  • Our daily and weekly routines provide an emotionally secure and predictable environment for your child.

  • We surround children with an atmosphere of beauty and warmth because children absorb everything around them.

  • Teachers are attentive to model respectful social interactions and give careful attention to speech.

  • Children perform real hands-on, meaningful work, such as helping with chores, making bread, and soup.

  • Weekly movement classes stimulate sensory integration.

  • Seasonal crafts develop fine motor skills.

  • With our mixed age and two year model children receive a transitional kindergarten experience.

  • Extended care options are available.

Our private kindergarten in Sacramento is developmentally appropriate, mixed-age, two-year Waldorf kindergarten program is for children turning four and five years old by May 31. Kindergarten is five days per week, from 8:15 a.m. until 12:45 p.m. Morning care is available starting at 7:00 a.m. and aftercare is offered until 5:00 p.m.

More about the Waldorf Kindergarten

Waldorf kindergarten sacramento ca

"Camellias kindergarten is a magical place. The play yard, daily rhythms, daily art, rich language play, healthy snacks, and inspiring classroom make school a special place."

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