At Camellia Waldorf School, our village of friends for the children and our community of support for parents help children and families thrive. Our recent Winter Faire showcased our village coming together in a wonderful way to put on an amazing event. We have a number of additional shared values that help create the special school community that we have at Camellia Waldorf School.

A village of friends for the children and a community of support for parents.
Why? To be fully prepared for their futures these partnerships help children develop healthy behaviors, and children become better students. The community of support fosters volunteerism, promotes better collaboration and communication, helps strengthen parenting skills, nurtures healthy families, and creates lifelong friendships. Our village builds a support network of like-minded families.
High levels of appropriate parental participation.Â
Why? Children who have parents who are involved in their education are more likely to feel competent, have increased self-esteem and confidence, have improved social skills and behavior, and have higher test scores and grades.
Diversity and social inclusion.Â
Why? We live in a deeply interconnected global economy. Children need to be able to be exceptional communicators in diverse situations. Cultural competency is critical to their success in today's world.
A safe place, both physically and emotionally, for children and for parents
to raise children.Â

Why? When children feel safe, valued, respected, supported, and connected to their learning they develop the confidence to take risks and feel challenged and excited to try something new. We want to raise socially and emotionally competent children.
For our children to have a happy childhood, a strong foundation, and develop the knowledge, skills, and abilities to attend any high school they wish and excellent colleges and universities Why? We are a community that wants the best education for our children, with excellent academic outcomes from preschool through college. We want our children to be lifelong learners. A happy childhood leads to a happy life and future.
Respect for children as unique individuals and use of the student portfolio assessment rather than state-required standardized testing.
Why? Children are unique; there is no one-size-fits-all approach. Children learn in different ways and at different paces. A good school recognizes this and draws out each child's capacities and passions. We do not want our teachers having to teach to the test. We want both excellent comprehension and excellent assessment.
Appropriate and responsible use of technology, limiting the use of screens, including computers, social media, video games, and cell phones. Why? Because according to the Kaiser Foundation, on average children spend 7.5 hours each day watching a screen. Playing with friends, practicing a musical instrument, doing homework, and reading a book comes first. Screen time can lead to a reduction in attention spans, and the addictive nature of screens is a serious concern. We are pro-education, and too much screen time can undermine learning, creativity, and initiative. Check out Cyber Civics on The Today Show!
Being mindful of our environment, including being good land stewards, composting, green cleaning supplies, and reduced WiFi and EMF emissions.Â
Why? A healthy learning environment, as well as a respect for the environment and the community, is what our young children need help to prepare them for their futures. We reduce things that negatively impact learning and promote respect for ourselves and our environment.