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Gender-Diverse & Transgender Children Resources

As parents and educators, we play a big role in ensuring that our children feel loved and accepted for who they are. When disclosing their gender diverse identity, children long for immediate acceptance and understanding, whether that be from parents, teachers, friends or classmates.

Below is a comprehensive list brought to us by Camellia's Diversity, Equity and Inclusion committee. Please take a moment to read and feel free to pass along to friends and family.

Books for Children

Specifically on gender creative and trans issues:

All I Want is to be Me (All identities)

Be Who You Are (general acceptance of differences)

Sex is a Funny Word (covers many issues around sex and bodies)

The Gender Book (YA/Teen)

They He She Me (All identities)

Who Are You?: The Kid's Guide to Gender Identity (All identities)

Note: there is evidence that some of this book (and very specifically the gender wheel included) was taken from The Gender Wheel by Maya Christina Gonzalez. Read Maya's post here:

47,000 Beads (Two-Spirit)

Part of Flamingo Rampant's Celebration series

The Prince and the Dressmaker (genderfluid, graphic novel)

Stacey's Not a Girl (trans boy)

The Pants Project (trans boy, preteen)

The Adventures of Tina & Jordan (trans girl and trans boy)

When Kathy Is Keith (trans boy)

When Kayla Was Kyle (trans girl)

Lily and Dunkin (trans girl, YA)

Backwards Day (trans girl)

The Adventures of Tulip, Birthday Wish Fairy (trans girl)

Wandering Son (trans girl and trans boy, YA)

Rachel's Christmas Boat (Parent is trans woman)

Part of Flamingo Rampant's Celebration series

Introducing Teddy: A Gentle Story About Gender and Friendship (teddybear is trans girl)

Coded and Metaphorical

Red: A Crayon's Story (coded gender discussion)

Spork (coded gender discussion)

Goblinheart (coded gender discussion)

When Leonard Lost His Spots (coded gender discussion)

Bunnybear (coded gender discussion)

On gender stereotypes

Julián Is a Mermaid / Sirenas (Afro-latino main character!)

My Princess Boy (Black main character!)

Unico Como Yo / One of a Kind Like Me (Latino main character!)

Oliver Button Is a Sissy

Roland Humphrey is Wearing a WHAT?

Jacob's New Dress

William's Doll

Morris Micklewhite and the Tangerine Dress

I'm a Girl!/Soy Una Niña!

They He She Me (All identities)

Books For Adults

Becoming Nicole: The Transformation of an American Family

The Gender Creative Child: Pathways for Nurturing and Supporting Children Who Live Outside Gender Boxes

The Transgender Child: A Handbook for Families and Professionals

Gender Born, Gender Made: Raising Healthy Gender-Nonconforming Children

Helping Your Transgender Teen: A Guide for Parents

Transitions of the Heart: Stories of Love, Struggle and Acceptance by Mothers of Transgender and Gender Variant Children

Raising My Rainbow: Adventures in Raising a Fabulous, Gender Creative Son

A Guide to Gender book for kids

Handling Transphobia:Transphobia: Deal With It

Trans Kids: Being Gendered in the 21st Century (academic)


Transgender Child: Information for Parents and Families,

Gender Spectrum Resource List

Gender Spectrum Principles of Gender-Inclusive Puberty and Health Education

Banks Street College Resource List

National Center for Transgender Equality

Model District Policy on Transgender and Gender Nonconforming Students

Family Equality Council (advocacy for LGBTQ+ families)

Videos on being a supportive parent to a trans child from UC Santa Barbara

Jessica Kingsley Publishers list of books on gender diversity for children and adults

Nonbinary/Beyond the Binary

Teaching about Gender Creativity

LGBTQ Family and Gender Diversity Elementary Teaching Guide, school year 2018-2019

Gingerbread Person 2.0

Sex is a Funny Word

Parent Blogs:

Today You are You

Raising My Rainbow


Department Of Education Issues Guidelines To Protect Transgender Students In Single-Sex Classrooms


Why parents of transgender children are faced with a difficult decision, and it’s one they have to make sooner than they ever imagined.

Transgender at five

Transgender student takes national stage

When Girls Will Be Boys

Dispute on Transgender Rights Unfolds at a Colorado School (Coy Mathis)

About a Girl: Coy Mathis' Fight to Change Gender

Coy Mathis on Katie Couric

Rights Unit Finds Bias Against Transgender Student

Ezra Miller is the Genderbending, Goat-Delivering Hollywood Star of the Future (on being queer/poly/nonbinary)

27 Percent of California Teens Are Gender Nonconforming

A Mom’s Letter To Her “Gender-Creative” Son’s Pre-Kindergarten Class


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